Artista ilustra noticias positivas que suceden en el mundo sobre la crisis del Covid-19


Con la finalidad de no solo ver las noticias malas en Internet durante la pandemia de Covid-19, el ilustrador italiano Mauro Gatti lleva varios meses en un proyecto contra el odio y miedo llamado Happy Broadcast, donde realiza transmisiones en vivo desde Instagram, recopilando e ilustrando noticias positivas que suceden alrededor del mundo.

Gatti pensó en esta idea luego de percibir la dinámica constante de noticias, sucesos duros, importantes y desmoralizares que ocupan la mayor parte de tiempo en los noticieros, por lo que decidió emprender un programa para hacerle ver a la sociedad que también ocurren cosas positivas.

Con la crisis del coronavirus como telón de fondo, Gatti ha puesto en marcha una serie de ilustraciones dedicada exclusivamente a esta pandemia.

“Las noticias positivas tienen la capacidad de fortalecer nuestra esperanza, y eso es lo que quiero lograr con esta colección; para ofrecer ayuda y apoyo a todos los que luchan contra el coronavirus en todos los sentidos de la palabra. Estamos juntos en esto y lo superaremos juntos”, dijo el artista para Bored Panda.

Dos pandas de un zoo de Hong Kong llevan 10 años tratando de reproducirse sin éxito. Tras el cierre de las instalaciones por la crisis del coronavirus, finalmente lo ha conseguido.

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Ying Ying and Le Le, two giant pandas who could never quite get in the mood over 13 years of living together in a Hong Kong zoo, successfully mated.

Perhaps Ying Ying and Le Le just needed some privacy. Ocean Park Zoo shut down on Jan. 26 as part of Hong Kong’s measures to fight the coronavirus, leaving the amusement park and zoo free of its usual throngs of visitors. It won’t be known for a while whether the patter of tiny panda paws is on the way. The gestation period is from 72 to 324 days, and ultrasound scans can’t detect a cub until 14 to 17 days before birth, the zoo said. Source: The New York Times (link in bio) #positivenews #coronavirus #china #panda #stayhome #animal #giantpanda

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Las personas están recurriendo a los perros, gatos y gallinas para hacer frente al autoaislamiento. Como consecuencia, muchos refugios de animales se están quedando sin inquilinos y las adopciones han aumentado durante la crisis.

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It seems people around the US aren't just stocking up on toilet paper and frozen food amid the coronavirus pandemic, many are also taking home a new foster pet. Animal rescue organizations are reporting a large uptick in interested foster parents over the past month, especially in hard-hit areas like New York City. Best Friends Animal Society, a nationwide nonprofit, closed their New York City shelter because all of the pets have found foster homes. Volunteers at a Colorado animal shelter have found a silver lining in the coronavirus pandemic: local residents are adopting pets in droves, to the point where their facilities were fully cleared out twice this week. All that extra time at home seems to have given some new pet-owners a chance to rescue a dog or cat. I really hope that this interest in fostering continues beyond the crisis. Source: CBS News (link in bio) #positivenews #covid19 #dogs #cats #adoption #animals #silverlining

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Lego ha modificado parte de su maquinaria para producir viseras faciales para el personal sanitario que se encuentra en primera línea de batalla y están produciendo más de 13.000 al día.

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Denmark-based toymaker Lego recently announced on Instagram that it had begun producing protective visors for front-line healthcare workers in its home country. The company has modified some of its molding machines to manufacture Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).⁣ ⁣ Intended to offer an extra layer of protection between health workers' eyes and those suffering from COVID-19, the visors consist of a wide, transparent plastic cover and handle.⁣ ⁣ “The team worked around the clock to create designs and make molds that can produce more than 13,000 visors a day. We are grateful to have such talented, dedicated and caring colleagues," the company added. Source: Lego Instagram (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #positivenews #lego #healthcare #help #mask #doctors #denmark #coronavirus

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El capitán Tom Moore, un veterano británico de 99 años, ha logrado reunir más de 22.000 dólares para el NHS dando 100 vueltas alrededor de su jardín.

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Not all heroes wear capes, as a matter of fact sometimes they use a walker! World War II veteran Tom Moore set out to walk 100 laps of his back garden in Bedfordshire, around 50 miles northwest of London, before his 100th birthday on April 30 to raise money for the NHS. His original fundraising target was $1,250. His family said the fundraising site JustGiving had to stop the "Captain Tom Moore's 100th Birthday Walk for the NHS" page from crashing, as more than 90,000 people tried to access it at one point.
So far, more than 860,000 people have donated more than $20 mil to Moore's effort. Please donate here: Source: NPR (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #positivity #donation #uk #nhs #senior #tommoore #veteran #walking #stayhome #coronavirus

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Tras el cierre de India por la crisis del coronavirus, cientos de miles de tortugas se acercaron a la orilla por primera vez en años para desovar 60 millones de huevos.

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Thanks to the isolation that has been produced to avoid more contagions from the COVID – 19 coronavirus, some animals have taken advantage of walking the streets, swimming where they did not do it before or returning to certain areas. An example of this is the massive arrival of thousands of sea turtles to empty beaches in India, according to reports from local media and social networks. The absence of these turtles were observed in 2002, 2007, 2016 and last year too but this spring was the first in seven years that the mass nesting of the species took place at broad daylight.

Without tourists on the beaches, human interference at the nesting site decreased and experts and authorities estimate that the turtles laid around 60 million eggs in the sands of these Indian beaches. Source: IBT (link in bio) #thehappybroadcast #positivity #india #turtle #seaturtle #beach #ocean #egg #coronavirus

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Italia, uno de los países más castigados por el coronavirus, está viendo que el número diario de pacientes recuperados está superando al de infectados por primera vez. ¡Brava Italia!

En mitad de la crisis del coronavirus, niños de todo el mundo están pintando arcoíris y colocándolos en sus ventanas para difundir un simple mensaje: después de la tormenta, llega la calma.

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Children around the world are posting handmade rainbow artwork in the windows of their homes to spread hope and cheer during the dark days of the coronavirus pandemic. Even though the trend began in Europe, signs with rainbows started showing up in people's windows through the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Dozens of rainbow pictures can be found in New York City and Philadelphia. Kids are joining in on the fun as they’re staying home from school, sharing their own rainbows. The art is often accompanied by “Everything will be ok”. Many parents are encouraging their children to create rainbow art with them, providing them an uplifting activity together in uncertain times, and a way to communicate hope to their friends and neighbors from a distance.

BONUS: If you don’t have art supplies at home, you can download the rainbow that I made and put it on your window. Get it here . Source: Desert News (link in bio) #positive #news #coronavirus #rainbow #usa #europe #kids #world #cheer #stayhome

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